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What Does Pillar Content Look Like In Action?

Wondering how pillar content works in action? I get this question a lot, and pulled together an example from the PPC content archives!

Back in September of 2022, I wrote a “pillar” post that was meant for internal marketing. We used this in prep for our year-end client strategy sessions. The piece was all about what key takeaways from a marketing conference our team attended were, and how they’d impact client strategies going forward.

From that piece alone, I’ve developed:


-Social graphics

-2 different slide decks

-6 short form videos

-5 podcast interviews (used the post for key talking points)

-An article for NAPFA Advisor Magazine where I expanded on one key topic covered in the pillar piece

The point is: pillar content saves you time because you aren’t recreating the wheel again and again.